Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Just a couple of silly photos from school, purely for posts sake. My legs looking downward and the spiral shell case, uh, stair case. There is a great one of Scott on my flickr we did for a panning shot as part of an assignment. Great fun, check it here!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Took this after the winterfest pictures. A very Branislav Kropilak inspired pic. His are way better and impossibly clean.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Office Space

My great friend Malcolm who lives in Scotland is studying construction design architecture stuff at Uni in Glasgow. While doing research for a project he found something and thought id like it. It's about old subway cars being turned into office space and working space for artists called Village Underground. Based in London England, it was created by furniture designer Auro Foxcroft. Some may remember a similar project using old shipping containers. You can see one here and the subway cars here.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Games Night!

So i'm completely out of chronological order here, this happened even before Wintercity Fest.

Anyways, on the 6th we had a games night at our apartment. You know, good old fashioned family games night. Catch phrase, Jenga the excitement was almost to much for some. All in all it was alot of fun. Good old firends and some new ones too. Music and drink, lots of food from the potluck dinner with the main couse graciously prepared by Jenna. Her first 'real' food dinner she'd ever prepared and it was awesome. Here is a little taste of the evening, and as my trend has been lately there are more available on my flickr here.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Nathan Phillips Square

So Sonia and I went to Nathan Phillips Square last week to watch the second night of the Wintercity Festival here in Toronto. There are some more pictures on the event on my flickr.

Alot going on lately very busy, to much to give a proper update so I hope you enjoy pictures.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Button Up, originally uploaded by Poster Boy NYC.

So I have recently added another link to the site, some of you may have noticed, most of you probably not. Anyways one of Sonia's co-workers and friend of ours Jenna has a blog called Searching for Answers. Pretty cool stuff I suggest you check it. I found this on there and I think its awesome.... street artist Poster Boy NYC check it here or go to Jenna's blog for more.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Sonia and I went to the Beaches for a walk today at Kew Beach, I brought my camera along an took some snaps. It was a beautiful day with sun and not to much wind, the beach was busy with people, kids and dogs. We had a really good time. There are more on my flickr here if you want to take a look.