Sunday, June 28, 2009

United By Fate 5

So Friday we went out Tortilla Flats with Chris Haslam and Ryan Decenzo and some of the Nixon/Globe fam. Had some munchies and chatted for a while. Grabbed cabs to the Bait Shop to see the premiere of Globe's Unitied By Fate #5 - Ryan Decenzo's part. So sick he nollied el toro. After awhile of mingling and checking some art and watching some mini ramp riding, we crossed the street with the guys to Cadillac Lounge till my eyes were closing. So much fun, great guys such down to earth dudes, Haslam is a wise soul.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

NXNE + Cool Kids + MMVAs

So, I'm unbelievably busy, working 6 days a week at Moguls and So Hip. Doing the reverse commute to oville. Trying to maintain some sense of order and not let the dishes over flow in our small apartment with two messy people is a full time job on its own, so we try to squeeze it in when we can.

Although, I have been able to fit in some fun here and there. It has been North By North East all this last weekend here in the city. Sonia and I saw The Black Lips play at Dundas Square on Thursday which was cool. Then on Sunday after I worked and we saw our fathers for dad's day, we hit up Dundas Square again to see The Cool Kids with Spencer and a bunch a So Hip family and friends getting there a little to late to catch the GZA spit. I took a few photos and then we chuffed down to the MMVAs as Lady Gaga was playing. I'm not a fan, but she is crazy and had flaming boobies. I didn't take to many shots of this just one of the stages for documentations sake. Finished of at the fox and the fidel for a bit to eat and bevies and the worst meat-head server I have ever encountered and will never return....oh yeah, on the walk home I walked through a barricade into what ended up being the Jonas Brothers secured walkway to their limos as they were about to get in them, with screaming tweens on the other side of the fence to us, being held back security. No pictures, sorry, you'll just have to believe me. To be honest it was so funny, but just too lame to photograph. All in all super fun night, you can view MORE HERE.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Fire! Fire! Fire!

There was a fire in one of the apartments next door to our place when Sonia's brother Sanjay was over for a visit. He went out to move his van for the fire trucks and we noticed a crowd of people outside, so I hobbled out with my can and took some photos. More on flickr

We just got back from the 7th Annual Orangeville Blues & Jazz Fest. Lots of great music, warm sun, cold beer and awesome people.