Saturday, August 14, 2010

So I've Been To Scotland With My Bonnie Lass

Much time has passed since my last post. I haven't been lazy, just the usual... busy, but even more so.

Anyway, Sonia and I said enough is enough we are taking a holiday! Booked a flight to Scotland 2 weeks in advance, called up our friends and told them we were on our way. 11 days in Edinburgh, Sterling, Glasgow and an amazing road trip into the highlands to a small fishing village across from the Isle of Skye. Castles, thistles, whiskey, road side lunches of wine, bread and cheese, great friends, great night life (some places), great beer, some bad and some interesting and some great food (depending on where you were), beaches, mountains, lochs, rivers, overall a wonderful trip.

Here are some photos to give you a taste of our venture.

They look better on flickr