Friday, December 7, 2007

Whipper Snapper

After work this evening I went home got changed and then headed on down to Toronto to the whipper snapper gallery where several photographers were showing their work. One inperticular was Sam Javanrouh, the the man behind the award winning photoblog Daily Dose of Imagery or ddoi at (that's right it does say wvs not www, it's sam backwards and upside down). Nobody wanted to go with me, they all had something far better or more important to do so it's ok. I had to go by myself, got in grab myself a beer and cruised around the room loosing myself in the pictures for a go couple mins each. Eventually i went to buy a book which he was all out of so i have to wait and email him, but i got to meet him shake his hand and talk briefly with the man you inspired me to start photography and well as strange as it is changed my life i would be doing what im doing or going the direction i am going if it weren't for him and his website. After that i left and met up with emily and kris and her friend megan. went for a drink or two and then i went home, and here i am. Amazing nite, landmark, milestone whatever u wish to call it, tonigt was one of them. Oh ya, bottom picture, tan jacket....guess who?

ps keep a look out for a moguls website coming out soon. gonna be sweet!