Wednesday, April 13, 2011


So I don't normally post other peoples stuff or link to other blogs or tumblrs. Although, every now and then something comes up though that I just feel the need to share.

My friend Tom sent a link my way of this tumblr called RELIC and it is a goldmine of timeless photos and and images of all sorts of people places and things. Similar stuff to what you would see on Yimmy's, FFFFOUND!, Ilk Flottante or JJJJound. Except it has this fine art, DIY kinda feel to it but still being beautifully finished. They do these really cool mail outs and stickers that they make in house using stamps and typewriters. So check it out. I've attached some favorites of mine that a selected while perusing through.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sebastian Faust

Sebastian Faust is the son of the evil magician Felix Faust. His soul was sold by his father to a demon named Nebiros in exchange for power, but the demon cheats and grants the power to Sebastian instead of his father.

Faust possesses magical powers of an unclear nature. In addition to his vast magical power, he is also able to steal the souls of others, granting him their abilities and powers, as well as recharging his magical powers. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

He also makes and mixes music for fun in his spare time.

If your looking for a dancey, a little hip hopy, bass heavy mixtape to bop your head to. Give this one a try. QuickMIXtape

For more head to: